by Mein Fuhrpark



With MY CAR PARK, you can easily manage, plan, control and monitor your vehicles via APP. So you get the full service of a competent fleet manager for a small price.A professionally managed vehicle fleet saves up to 30 percent of the total vehicle costs. Nevertheless, especially in smaller fleets there is usually no own fleet manager. MY FERRY PARK closes this gap. REDUCE COSTS, INCREASE PROFITSVehicle costs are a high cost block in your company. Who wants to increase his profits, should reduce these costs. MY CAR PARK helps you: # AuditControl of workshop invoices and negotiation with the workshop by professional fleet manager. # Contract monitoring:Control of leasing, insurance and warranty agreements for compliance and exhaustion. # Repair control:Cost security through supply control. # Saving:Showing savings potentials, e.g. for fuel consumption or for workshop bills. Calculation of the optimal changeover time by reference values ​​and total cost of ownership (Total Cost of Ownership). # AND MUCH MOREThe MY FUHRPARK team is constantly working on the technical improvement and extension of the system. - PRICE -The monthly price of our system is calculated according to the size of your fleet. After the minimum contract period of three months, the notice period is one month. Contact us for more information! -- CONTACT --You do not want to manage your fleet anymore? You want to use the good conditions, conditions and services that are normally only available to large fleets? Write [email protected]